Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Interview is up!

I am the featured author today on The Authors Show, so when you go to this site, my interview will automatically start!  It sounds better than I expected!  Have a listen!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Know You Like A Book - Local bookstore with style!

I Know You Like A Book (local bookstore having my book signing on March 5).  Nice little bookstore featuring a bar area that serves wine!  Great for book club meetups and discussions as well as new and used books!  This bookstore supports local authors and has book signings regularly.

Interview confirmation

Got the email today - the interview went well and should be on the site this week!  Watch for it!  I hope I sound good.  I was so nervous!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Interview done

Just recorded my interview for http://www.theauthorsshow.com/ (second time).  My cell phone sounded much better than the landline. I also did my best to talk more since the last one was too short.  I had hoped for more questions to fill the time, but I think it went okay.  Should be up on the site next week!!!

Book Signing Coming Up!

My book signing is in a week.  I have decided on a trivia game (questions about me and about Sudden Moves) for a chance to win my next novel due out in May.  Questions are point value and if there is a tie (highly unlikely), I will email you a bonus question.  I won't know the winner until after the book signing so I can count up all the points.  I will also be giving out goodies such as bookmarks and magnetic calendars.

My job hours on that day are 6:00 - 2:30.  This book signing starts at 2:00.  I didn't know work was going to interfere at the time I scheduled my signing, or I would have asked for a different date.  I am trying my best to get the day off or at least get to leave early - the bookstore is only a 5-10 minute drive from work.  I am getting excited and hope to see everyone at 2:00 when it starts!

See ya on the 5th of March!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog is back

For some reason, my blog reappeared and my new one is gone.  I don't get this.  Anyway - a week and a half away from my book signing - if I make it there on time.  The PO messed with our schedules this week, putting me back to 6:00 - 2:30 with the book signing starting at 2:00.  Just love how they can control our lives like this.  I will keep everyone informed if I can get out early or take the last hour off of work.  Books have been delivered, so I am ready!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Book Signing!!

I scheduled my first book signing today!  Saturday March 5 at I Know You Like A Book on Prospect Rd. in Peoria, IL.  2:00 marks the time!  I hope to see everyone there - this is an indepently owned bookstore who supports local authors!  Come on out and pick up Sudden Moves!  You won't be disappointed!!!  I am going to stop at their book signing this weekend and see how it's done.  I have never been to one, believe it or not!!!  Very excited!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Books sent!

I sent out some books to reviewers, taken from the names that Outskirts sent me.  They all write for a newspaper, magazine, or blog, so I hope they will review Sudden Moves or interview me.  I would be thrilled to receive an inteview!  I want to post one up on my website for everyone to read.  I also emailed the Peoria Journal Star again.  They turned me down the first time, but I sent them the review I received on Amazon's Kindle store - from Suzanne Parrott of Unruly Guides in Oregon.  I hope they will reconsider and mention my book in the paper.  I just received my address labels from Vista Print featuring the book cover, my website and address.  I really wish they would use bigger font, but I had to squeeze everything in - as much info as I could get to let people know about the book.  The more exposure the better!!
I also won a book in Goodreads book giveaway!  Let's Kill Uncle my Rohan O'Grady and it sounds good!  I put Sudden Moves in for a giveaway - open until the middle of Feb, so enter to win your copy!!!  http://www.goodreads.com/  

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New review!!

I saw this cool review on Amazon for Sudden Moves - Paperback version.  Amazon separates their reviews where Barnes & Noble shows all reviews in every format (hardback, paperback, ebook, etc)  This one was a surprise and I am glad that boys enjoy the book as well!

Posted by The Reader -
<<This book is for everyone. Grandmas [me] teenagers and young people will like it. Two of my teenage grandsons read this and said it was good. That is great for boys to say. Try it you'll like it and then you'll only want more. >>

Friday, January 7, 2011

Book giveaway!

I am having a book giveaway (Sudden Moves) on http://www.goodreads.com/

I have chosen 4 books to give away - Goodreads picks the winners!!  81 people have entered as of Jan 7.  Will you be the next one to enter and win this great young adult mystery?? 

Good luck!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Waiting on my shipment of books (new issue) to arrive so I can see about getting more reviews from the leads I have gotten by email.  I will be spending the day with my husband - planning on seeing The Fighter.  Time to relax after a morning of treasury work (payroll and taxes).  My brain is worn out!  I'd rather by writing!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Book Review!

Got my first book review on Amazon today!!   Thanks to Suzanne Parrott of Unruly Guides in Oregon for this wonderful review!!  I did not expect this!  I am so happy that she was hooked in the first chapter!  This review is up on the Kindle edition of Sudden Moves, so feel free to check it out!!  I am on cloud nine!

5.0 out of 5 stars Face-paced, Keeps you Hooked, Excellent YA Mystery, January 4, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Sudden Moves: A Young Adult Mystery (Kindle Edition)
One of the best YA mystery books I have read in a long time. Filled with suspense and intrigue. I downloaded the sample, while waiting for the actual book to arrive. Big mistake - I got so caught up in the story I purchased the full Kindle version immediately and read the story it in one sitting.

Kelli Sue Landon does a superb job in providing a YA mystery page-turner. You are expertly immersed in the daily trials of Michelle, a young teen whose new friend, Katie, has disappeared. She finds it strange and disconcerting that no one at school or at home seems to even care - or even believes her that Katie's Florida vacation is now being explained that she moved there. She, best friend Tami and schoolmate Brad know there is something wrong and go out to discover what happened to Katie?

What was refreshing was Landon wrote the main characters as average teenagers - reacting rashly and even "stupidly". The emotional turmoil of the teenage years is brought forth on so many levels - rumors, gossip, fights, jealously, lost loves, even high-school mean girls, are woven and intertwined throughout the story. No supernatural insights, or easy solutions. At first, Michelle seems more concerned about the book she loaned the missing girl than what actually happened to her. The fact that the trio didn't intentionally set out to solve the mystery is refreshing.

Landon does an excellent job keeping you hooked, and the suspense doesn't abate. Excellent piece of YA work, well worth reading and highly recommended.

"Sudden Moves" is the first novel for Kelli Sue Landon. I will definitely be purchasing more of this authors' work in the future.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sudden Moves Campaign

Enjoying my week off of work!  Been sending out query letters for my second novel and have been bombarded with emails from leads on my Sudden Moves campaign.  I have 30-40 names and addresses who are considering the book for a review or possible interview.  I welcome any interviews from people out there, as I would love to have one posted up on my website.  I hope to get the book recognized from this campaign.  Things would be simpler if I didn't work full time, but I gotta bring home the bacon!!  Hope to get some new writing ideas later this year.  My second job of treasurer is going to be bogging me down this month with 2010 reports.  Until next time, happy reading (and writing)!