Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Hope everyone has a safe New Years Eve!!  I am attempting to wear a dress that night - in the cold!  Yes, my friend Marcie requested we both wear dresses out to see our favorite Peoria local band, 8MM Amateurs.  Let's hope I can pull this off and hide the holiday pounds!!! 

In writing news, Sudden Moves (2nd publication) is still printing.  No new news as of now, and I'm not too happy with Trafford taking their time on releasing the book trailer, which I thought would have been ready by now.  It's been a month and no news from them, when I was originally told a few weeks.  Hmmmm, Trafford will not be publishing my second novel, that's for sure.

Among other news in my life, the new year is approaching which means I have year end reports (W2's, unemployment taxes, etc) due this month, plus more due around March, so writing has taken a back seat.  I will be quitting this job next Fall, because my writing is more important to me right now and I hate not being able to do the one thing I love!  It's not about writing as a job - it's about writing for the love of it!

Happy 2011!

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